1.- We have Rainbow Dash and her older brother ''Asher Prism Dash'' (he has heterochromia).
In ''Games Ponies Play'' we saw a flashback, and this character is called Rainbow Blaze (i decided to change some stuff, including his name)
Soo yeah, Rainbow having a big bro changes some stuff, as we saw in the series, her parents supported her way tooooo much since a filly (maybe cuz she was an only daughter, so they didn't wanted her to feel like…alone?) With Asher Prism, Rainbow and him had recieved the same amount of love and support from their parents.
Rainbow used to play a lot with her brother, and liked to spend time with him.
Asher thaught Rainbow how to fly (of course, with their parents too, they wanted to save this moment in fotos) also,some tricks when they were younger, He loved to fly with his lil' sister.
Prism was a good flier since a foal, he was send to study abroad, that's what he wanted since little, he wanted to be a Wonderbolt!….unfortunaly,he had an accident were he could no longer fly, one of his wings were injured really bad, it healed, but his wing wasn't strong enough to be able to fly.
He became very depressed after this incident, so his parents decided that he should stay with them for a while until his health improved, Rainbow decided to do everything possible to make him happy! So in that time, she had decided, she would become a wonderbolt in honor of her older brother.
Noww she trained a lot with him, maybe he wasn't able to fly, but he was able to teach how.
He became Rainbow's personal trainer, but of course, his little sister had a lot of potential, even more than her older brother.
He was happy because of this…his little sister was incredibleHeart
2.- Princess Amore returned!!! how could this be possible? well, with an amount of unicorn magic,magic from the pilars of Equestria and Discord's magic.
With all of this magic, Amore was rebuilted and alive.
She was a little traumatizated because of what happened, at this rate Sombra was reformed thanks to Princess Luna, And he was able to say sorry to her.
The princesses decided to leave her choose what she would do from now on, Cadence, was the Princess of the Crystal Empire, so Amore didn't have to keed ruling like before.
She decided to have a normal pony life…well ''normal'' she decided to live in a forest away from everything, but from time to time, she visited the princesses and Candence.
—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- 3.- When she stayed some time in Ponyville (The Princesses gave her a tour, and explained what changed in all of the years of her ausence) She met a pony called ''Neighsay''
(after the incident with the School of Friendship, Neighsay decided to retire from his job months later. Found a job at Sweet Apple Acres, helping colecting apples)
Since Neighsay had some time working at Sweet Apple Acres, his personality changed a lot, he was more friendly, and even became friends with Starswirl. He felt i love at first sight with Amore, she was just so…beautiful, he had never seen such a beautiful mare in his entire life…Heart