2) Hercules in his teenage years. His likeness for flowers can extend to "Pretty colors, probably taste good".
3) While Twilight was away Karma would cry because….kids. The only way to stop her from crying is to drink strawberry milk from a carton only.
4) Dr. Strings being pushed by his friend Soft Rhythm, a senior nurse that influenced his sarcasm and talk-back personality in the hospital.
5) In my Universe Flurry heart or was born pretty normal albeit her wings and strong magic. However, as she grew the royal lady slowly started to grow crystals from her body. She has an almost direct connection to the crystal heart which causes her to grow iridescent quartz which often flakes off when scratched or simply over time. It bothers her tremendously since she cares a lot about her image. It also doesn't help the fact that the more powerful the spell she uses the bigger the crystals grow around her body, thankfully Cadence can lower the growth of the crystals once they overgrow, but her magic only narrow the growth a bit.