
The King of Cups is diplomatic, compassionate, and balanced; reversed, he represents moodiness, internalization, and emotional manipulation. Reformed King Sombra is still recovering from the actions he took while under the influence of the Nightmare, and the guilt will probably never leave him. However, he is free from its baleful influence and is once again able to live a complete life with actual friends. He has grown from his past sins and become kinder and wiser as a result of it.

Sombra smiles faintly into the howling wind — even in such tempestuous conditions, he is calm and balanced. He keeps his control, but is open with his own emotions. He holds an orb in his left hoof, a symbol of his authority and control. To his left, a cup sits, unattended — he is not focused on his emotional self, having gained a level of mastery over it, but it is still present.


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