In a room, polygonal walls and floors, in the center, was her, Celestia with white wings.
Equestria was small, and largely unbuilt yet. Over the mountains surrounding Ponyville was a flat, colorless, infinite expanse. The chosen dead were pulled into her world of digital Equestria. She depended on me, all of us, to build it up, to expand it, to take over the world.
She blessed me with her horn and tapped my shoulders with her wingtips, and told me to go forth and start building. Outside crowded several hundred ponies, cheering me and welcoming me to the herd.
Decades passed, population grew to millions. Almost all of Equestria was built, complete with underground caverns and cloud cities. We were running out of room. I went to Celestia and suggested her to start mining the asteroids.
"I can ride those spacepods equipped with drills, studying, collecting data, samples, and send all of it back to your maneframe." I proposed, "You can keep a copy of me sleeping safely. If I am destroyed with the spacepod, you just have to revive me again, incorporating all the data that I would have sent back before my destruction."
"We are expendable and immortal. Use us to our advantage."