"If ya don't wanna get beat, I suggest you get tha hell outta here!"
Parents: Pound Cake and Tender Taps
Siblings: Cream Puff
Gender: Male
Species: Pegasus
Allignment: Sun
Talent: Enforcing (specifically related to gang rules)
Birthplace: Ponyville
General Bio:
The first born son of Pound Cake and Tender Taps. Bubble Tea (or Beat, as he prefers to be called) was a perfectly normal, adjusted pony as a child. However as he grew he began to lash out and become more and more aggressive and violent toward his peers. He dropped out of high school when he was 1/3 of the way through and joined a local gang. His father's tried to convince him to go back to school and to start going to therapy, but he refused. And while he was still quite young, he moved to Canterlot to be closer to his gangs main base. He rose through the ranks in his gang and is now one of the leaders.
Bubble Tea doesn't really have friends, but he gets along well with Vanilla Bean and Compass Cloud.
Future Spouse/Partner: Sandstone, and then later Vanilla Bean.