Originally posted on: April 21, 2020, 6:19 AM UTC
Bro I wanted to do this so bad so here it is!
I asked some of my online friends what characters I should do
and some of them I just chose
here's the list of characters and what I think of em
(from the top to bottom)
Entrapta (She-Ra and the princess of power)
So I've been DyING to draw Entrapta for a very long time now but never got the chance to. So here she is! I loved how it turned out actually and she's one of my favourite character from She-Ra ! Best waifu 10/10
Kindred / The Lamb and The Wolf (League of Legends)
Kindred is actually one of my favourite hero to use in League of Legends. and their voice lines are so gosh darn deep and meaningful.
Venom / Eddie Brock (Movie Version)
Venom is my second favourite villain! though I do think the 'Venom' movie was alright, it's wasn't bad but it wasn't THAT good either. I just think it could have been a little bit more paced. Well, let's see..I heard they will be making Venom 2. Lets hope its a little better.
Soldier (Team Fortress 2)
The voice actor for Soldier; Rick May has passed away on April 13th due to COVID-19. It shocked me when I heard it, Soldier was my first pick when I first played TF2. His voice lines were just so perfect and humorous. In honor of Rick I drew soldier, I know it's not much but it's all I could do. I think this may be the worst year for me and other peolple out there. Thank you Rick May, Godspeed.
Peridot (Steven Universe)
Peridot is my top favourite character in Steven Universe. Probably because I love green but apart from that I love her personality and character development, I stopped watching Steven Universe (I don't know what episode) so I'm not really updated on the Steven Universe Fandom.
Celestia (My Little Pony)
Once again I stopped watching my little pony so I don't know much. Celestia and Luna are my top picks if I wanna draw something. They are just so fun to draw! their manes and everything aaaa- just.. s o pretty.