If these two mares spend too much time together the whole world will suffer from sugar poisoning for how adorable they are. Both mares of few words, however somehow able to connect with each other in a way that few ponies can understand, since they have been through many of the same hardships and battles throughout their lives. Gentle Breeze has often advised RT on speaking her mind in a a healthy, kind and productive way instead of letting her emotions get the better of her and blurt out things she doesn't mean when she reaches the peak of her tolerance, a lesson the soft spoken pegasus has had to learn for herself over many years, after preferring to avoid conflict and disagreements herself at the cost of her own happiness poor thing. The relationship is far from one sided though! as Gentle does tend to get a little lonely when her hubby Creamy Clouds is called in for those late night shifts once her chores and hobbies are completed for the day so she really appreciates RT dropping in on her. Invited or otherwise as her home is always sparkling clean, though still homely mind you, far from being posh or house-proud and always with the scent of freshly baked bread or cookies wafting through the air that she always has cooking to ensure her hubby has enough energy for the day. (and for the booty thicc mare to snack on throughout the day of course) Lets hope with RT's stallion sized appetite there are still some left for her poor hubby when he gets home.
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