"Chiffon is right! And I smell lime. Isn't this the citrus recipe you had some trouble with? I would've thought with Prince Rutherford on the judges panel, you'd stuck with your famous Snilldar Chocolate Cherry marble cake."
"Hey, you gals are always pushing me to step out of my comfort zone. Plus, I just happen to know through certain sources that the Prince developed a taste for tropical cuisine after said certain sources made him a coconut-lemon meringue pie."
"Oooh, honey. Your biscuits there? Against Miss 'Certain Sources' meringue?! That's some steep competition there."
"I don't think I've got anything to worry about, Mrs. Belle. In fact, I feel like I can see that blue ribbon on my plate already."
Connie, indeed, failed to mention that she managed about ten hours of sleep the week she was working to perfect the recipe, and nearly had to ask Kolaky Jake himself for help (nearly being the operative word here). However, despite their initial skepticism (which is more of a playful front than anything) Connie is very much celebrated whenever she puts her experiments out there, even if she wins or not (this particular contest she did not win blue, but managed fourth. Perhaps because Rutherford ate every last crumb of her creation before the other judges could taste…)
Yay here is art you guys. I am so sorry about the bit of a wait. It just seems its been one thing after another lately. Still hella grateful to be employed, but its a very mentally taxing job, and there's been a few more expectations on our shoulders as of late. Family still has drama, but we're slowly working through the stress. And of course on top of all the OTHER stuff going on in the world, I find myself observing little pockets of weird drama hither and yon and right now its just bizarre. Plus, I took a bit of a hit in the confidence department as one of those pesky depression waves kinda snuck up on me. I'm nearly out of that rut, and working on art for here (and trying to revive my Instagram) as well as commissions (I promise, you three! Updates are coming!)
Anyway, hug your friends, hug your parents, hug your pets, but most importantly, hug yourself. Self-love is really important right now, you guys, and I know first-hand the exacerbation of all the negative around you if you don't. Big virtual hugs from me to get y'all started. We will get through this. For now, I hope you enjoy the continuing story of Annie, Connie and the Gang.