I wouldn't if I were you
I know what she can do
She's deadly man, she could really rip your world apart
Mind over matter
Ooh, the beauty is there but a beast is in the heart
Cherry Luck is a bit of a man-eater. She's not allowed to date but shes allowed to look. Girl knows when she's being looked at and she doesn't quite mind. She likes the 'bad girl flirt' look but unfortunately for her she often makes a fool of herself when she trips or fumbles over her words when approached by a hot stallion. She's doing her best
hehe guess who's not dead
Lol it's not me cuz I'm still dead. Life is going NUTS right now. I'm trying to balance a job with robotics (competition starts this week), school and personal life. Long story short, I have NOT had time to draw. I snuck some in today even though I totally don't have time for it. Please just bear with me, once robotics calms down, I should be more active here but that's not for a couple weeks
Character Featured:
MLP NG: Cherry Luck