Pinkamena Diane Pie — YOU ALL KNOW HER — She looks like a mish-mash of her grandparents on her father's side, which made Ingenous very emotionally attached to her. Soarin' was the only partner that Ingenous actually liked out of Pinkie's many past attempts at romance.
Harlequin — Small blue pegasus foal in the front with pink and blue hair — Harlequin, or Quin, or Harley, or Que is quite the quiet one. He isn't really as hyper as his mother or as loud as his father, so he requires a bit more patience in social situations. Most ponies don't know he's the source of a lot of gossip, though! He's the youngest of Pinkie's kids, and Soarin's as well.
Soarin' High — YOU ALL KNOW HIM — He loves his little wife and calls her "my perfect pie", which embarrasses her to no end. He still has his love of pies, and he claims that Pinkie just happened to be the best one out of every pie he's come across.
Blueberry Snickerdoodle Whiskin' Whipped Cream Amelia Aviation Pie — Grey mare with pink, blue, and cobalt hair tied back in buns — So far, she holds the record for pony with the most names in all of Equestria. It's hard for her to fit her full name on legal documents, as one would imagine. She's the oldest of Soarin's kids, but the second-oldest of Pinkie's.
Sugarhigh "Sugar Rush" Goldrush — Purple pegasus with lighter patches and white mane — Sugar Rush (or simply Sugar) is exactly the type of pony you would expect from two hyper parents. They like tons of candy, and boy, are they FAST. They almost pulled off a rainboom once, and have since decided that maybe they should try to actually do it. They're the second-oldest of Soarin's kids, but thirdborn of Pinkie's.
(Sugar Rush's pronouns are they/them, but they don't mind being called he/her either, if they're honest! They like the mystery~)
I added a white outline around them so they wouldn't get lost XD so many bright colours!!