I know that Halloween is around the corner and everybody is doing spooky drawings, but can i interest you in some headcanons about characters that only appeared in one episode? This is a follow up of my other headcanon of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy parents. Maybe one day i will make their extended family, like grandparents.
1) Some younger pictures of Windy Whistles and Bow HotHoof, with his twin brother Arch SwiftHoof. (this was an excuse because i just wanted to draw one of those tacky 80's leotards so bad)
2) Windy and Bow thought they were prepared for when their baby arrived, they took the prenatal yoga classes, read all the books, took all the precautions, they weren't ready for what happened. Windy got into labour very early, and Dash was born premature, put immediately in intensive care. This was their hardest challenge in years. They cheered their little blue ball of feather everytime she gained a pound, when she held one of their hooves, anything she did in her recovery. The picture is when finally they could take little Dashie home.
3) Younger Merriweather Pansy (Mrs Shy) and Oriel (Mr Shy).
Oriel: Well i made this friendship bracelet for you.
Merriweather: You know i'm not really a jewelry pony.
Oriel: You don't have to wear it-
Merriweather: I'm going to wear it forever, back off.
4) Since her father is half deer, Fluttershy did have some inherited traits. Besides from talking to animals, she had some deer spots in her back, but they dissapeared as she got older.
1) Some younger pictures of Windy Whistles and Bow HotHoof, with his twin brother Arch SwiftHoof. (this was an excuse because i just wanted to draw one of those tacky 80's leotards so bad)
2) Windy and Bow thought they were prepared for when their baby arrived, they took the prenatal yoga classes, read all the books, took all the precautions, they weren't ready for what happened. Windy got into labour very early, and Dash was born premature, put immediately in intensive care. This was their hardest challenge in years. They cheered their little blue ball of feather everytime she gained a pound, when she held one of their hooves, anything she did in her recovery. The picture is when finally they could take little Dashie home.
3) Younger Merriweather Pansy (Mrs Shy) and Oriel (Mr Shy).
Oriel: Well i made this friendship bracelet for you.
Merriweather: You know i'm not really a jewelry pony.
Oriel: You don't have to wear it-
Merriweather: I'm going to wear it forever, back off.
4) Since her father is half deer, Fluttershy did have some inherited traits. Besides from talking to animals, she had some deer spots in her back, but they dissapeared as she got older.
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