Twilight: "Pinkie none of that sounded true. It was a great story however!"
Pinkie: "Meh, you can believe whatever you want to believe! My dear sweet Abuela Pie ain't no liar Miss Sparkle!"
Fluttershy: "Humour me girls."
Twilight: "What is it Fluttershy?"
Fluttershy: "When we were in our early 20s I told you I hated Halloween."
Twilight: "Yes, and you taught us a very good lesson about respecting boundaries!"
Pinkie: "And how twisted you are deep down! I was one hundo percenti terr-if-ied!!"
Fluttershy: "Good good….So I have to know…why did you pressure me again to come out for Halloween?"
Twilight: "Oh..heh. Well.."
Pinkie: "Because it's only 30 minutes and then you can go home! HERE, have a hat!! Now you fit in."
Fluttershy: [prolonged deep sigh]
Pinkie: "Look at us, three mares on the town dressed to the teeth! I'm in my traditional Halloween attire, Twilight's a Pirate and you're now-"
Fluttershy: "An angry mare in her 30s wearing a stupid hat."
Pinkie: "DING DING DING!! We've got a winner!"
Twilight: "Sorry Fluttershy."
Fluttershy: "You're both going on my list."