Silver Fang (hears a knock and open the door of her office) : Holly cirrus ! It's a pleasure to see you Dunnock. Come in. How are you ?
Dunnock (enter the room, look hasty and happy ) : Marvelously well ! I have a message from the guard for you.
Silver Fang : From the Command Center ? I’m ready to listen.
Dunnock : No, from the Royal Guard Academy. Elusive obtainded her diploma ! The ceremony is in two weeks and I bring your official invitation.
Silver Fang : Whoah. What a good news. I don’t expect it so soon. Will the whole family be there ?
Dunnock : Most of them. But wait there is an other news, a personnal one this time. And a really good one !
Silver Fang (smile) : What is it ?
Dunnock (really excited): I’ll be daddy ! Carmen is three months prégnant !
Silver Fang (put a hoove on his shoulder) : That’s wonderful ! I so happy for you Brother.
Dunnock (suddenly hug her) Thanks sis’ !
Silver Fang (first surprised but hug him too) : You will be an amazing daddy.
MLP belongs to Hasbro
Silver Fang and Dunnock belongs to me
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