The letter
Next :…
Running Steam (anxious) : Soooo…… What da ya think ?
K-Boom (really serious) : Are you sure i'm the best pony for giving you love advices ?
Running Steam (look a little bothered) : Well… Silver Fang is out in a mission or something…Aaand…I can't really speak about this with Winston. I'm pretty sur he doesn't even know what is to be a couple…
K-Boom : Fine. (start reading) My sweet tiny Sugargear… (doubtful) Seriously ?
Running Steam : C'mon ! It's a lovers thing !
K-Boom : Humph….(reading partially aloud) i really miss you… you're always in my mind…we have to talk about a really important thing that happen in my life…I met somepony… (stop reading)_ _Well what's the problem ?
Running Steam (nervously cross her hooves): He met somepony else !
K-Boom : That's nice.
Running Steam : I mean in a romantically way ! (Panic) He don't love me anymore !
K-Boom : And he wants to speak with you about it. That sound reasonable enough. And respectful for both of you.
Running Steam (dazed) : Just ! C'mon ! Don't be so cold ! He don't love me anymore !
K-Boom (checking letter): There is no evidence in this letter to support you theory.
Running Steam (don't listen at all) : I don't see him as much as i must ! My letters were not enough passionate !! He is bored of me !! I am not even a good singer ! I'm an awful mare and he is going to leave me !!!!!!
K-Boom (pragmatic): That will be a really stupid choice. You are the best mechanic I know. You also are clever, understanding, tender and funny. And even cute. You are an incredible mare and a wonderful person. Never doubt about yourself and your capacity. He is a lucky stallion to be with you and he is not stupid enough to leave you like that.
Running Steam (suddenly calm and finally show a little shy smile) : You're such acting like a freaking ice queen and then you said one of the nicest thing a pony ever said me.
K-Boom (neutral) : Thanks Sugargear. (Continue reading, Running Steam raise a hoof to stop her but giving up) Love. Your faithful Rock of… What the !? Okay. I am not an expert, but i'm almost sure there is a sexual double sense.
Running Steam : Do you really want an answer ?
K-Boom (pokerface) : …no
MLP belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust
K-Boom and Running Steam belongs to me
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