
Originally posted on: December 14, 2015, 9:02 PM UTC
Cliff ref
A simple design for a simple pony


Name : Cliff
Nickname : no
Species : Earth pony
Age : 21
Gender : male
Family : not any more
Love interest : Running Steam
Cutie mark : three anvils
Special talents : he is really good at forging things and making metalwork. But it’s also something about being an anvil for help other pony to forge themself in a good way. He is a cliff than protect other, but he don’t realized this yet.
Profession : Farrier for a shoe maker. He make pin and horseshoe for his employer.
Element : Kindness
Digital color :
Physical :* He is huge ! Almost as tall and beefy than Big Mac. But he is less powerfull….and more fat cause really gourmand.

Personality : Cliff is a typically gentle giant. He is shy, nice, polite, and surprisingly délicate. He can be boring because he don’t speak at all to ponies he don’t know well and practically never tell his opinion because to shy and coward for it. Plus he is not cultured and he not really clever too. He is a simple happy-go-lucky guy. He is powerfull but never uses his strength against people or things. Actually he is more chubby than muscular. He’s not a fighter at all, physically and even during conversation. He also ban be easily manipulate. He has the bad tendency to just follow the move even of he is not agree with it. But as he knows that, he is really carefull when he speak with other pony to don’t be duped. This emphasized his loneliness due to his shy attitude. But behind the sillent weird giant, there is a gigantic hearth. Cliff is a golden heart, he is kind, forgiving, generous. He is also sentimental ans smoochy, sometime even too much for Running Steam XD.

History : Cliff lived in a really Small familly, only his grandfather who teach him shoemaking. When his grand pa died he was only 15 so he enter in apprenticeship to continue his formation. With his tall and force he can do a lot of difficult work easily than other pony. But he his surprisingly the best in really really tiny and délicate work. He is the best to forge nail, métal engraving or create fine ornament. He is patient, thorough and precise despite his appearance.

Other informations :

- He burned his tail when he was in apprenticeship because wasn’t enough carefull with forge. Now both mane and tail are really short to not become a torch 😉
- He often create jewelry for Runnig Steam
- He is a great cooker
- He loves poetry
- Even if he doesnn’t show it, he really needs some love from others.
- He can be really talkative when he is with somepony he like and trust.
- He is scared by both K-Boom and Silver Fang but for different reason.


My little pony belongs to Hasbro/Faust
Cliff belongs to me.


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