5th Nov 2020, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2
It would be too easy if the PCs could call down an army to fix their problems. And then the opposition would also have to be military-sized to keep it fair. And then you're just playing a wargame — which can be its own kind of fun, but sometimes incompatible with the fantasy that tabletop heroism tries to provide.
Princess Celestia: Right now, Canterlot is a powderkeg of anxiety. There's not much I can do without solid proof. And there's little time left before we're all expected at the wedding. But if Twilight has been captured and teleported somewhere secret… It would have to be the sealed-off catacombs beneath the palace, or maybe even the crystal mines even further down. If you can quietly and covertly clear a path on this end before the wedding, I'm sure that Twilight can find her way out.
Fluttershy: That's… all? Are you… sure that's all the help you can offer?
Princess Celestia: I'll try to make sure my guards are prepared for some kind of action. But if my niece is truly… evil right now, then I can't be sure who else is compromised. Except for you.
Fluttershy: Well… thank you, I guess.
Princess Celestia: We're all counting on you.
Fluttershy: Yeah, that's kind of the problem…