
Meet Rose Gold; Duchess Fluttershy and Duke Blueblood's oldest daughter and a natural born hippie at heart. (You can thank her godmother Tree Hugger for that/)
She's quite the down-to-earth pony that most wouldn't expect from such high royalty. Though often times she's the one having to bring her siblings back down to earth (Both figuratively and literally) when they're too much in a daydream.
Her talent lies in taking care of animals (actually earned her cutie mark after discovering the reason why one of the royal garden's birds had fallen ill) and often helps her mother out at the sanctuary when not on royal business.

Another cute pony designed by unicorn-mutual; this time a FlutterBlood baby who I've named Rose Gold.

Fun Fact: All the girls have flower themed names that were (mostly) determined by Fluttershy; when they finally had a son Blueblood was the one to choose his name (shocker; it's not a flower name)


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