7th Nov 2020, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2
And now we're hopping up all the way to Season 9 for Sparkle's Seven! Man, we had a nice long streak of sticking to one or two episodes (for in-character events) for a while there. But now we're back off the rails.
DM: The Princess gives directions to the catacombs entrance. It's some ways down one of the streets leading away from the palace. Unfortunately, when you get there, there are two problems. One, the entrance has been sealed with a single layer of brick, and two, there is a bored-looking pegasus guard posted in front of it.
Rarity: Would it be possible to…?
DM: A skilled unicorn's magic could dismantle the brick wall quietly, but it would take a little uninterrupted time.
Rainbow Dash: And we can't just get the guard to, y'know, move? By order of Celestia?
Rarity: I think we're trying to be stealthy. If Cadance finds out what we're doing, she might make a drastic move.
Rainbow Dash: Okay, so: Knock out the guard.
DM: This street is not crowded, but it's still out in the open.
Rainbow Dash: Distract THEN knock out, then hide the body in the nearest dumpster. C'mon, it's like none of you have played Hitman before.
Shining Armor: I have, but I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to help out.