Well, it's been ten years already, huh? A whole decade of pony, and I was there for almost all of it, starting with spring of 2011. Even now I regret not interacting much with a wider fandom outside of playing games with people in a local board ponythread in earl years; I feel like the change started with me hanigng out in /foe/ in 2013 and drawing a few pictures in the summer of 2014. But the real connections started out in 2015 with hanging out on tumblr (remember when it was still relevant, huh?) and in 2016 I started drawing somewhat seriously. Hah. I know, I know, not really much, with me either not drawing because of being busy and things outside my control (good excuse) or myself (a bad one). But I have pc back, for now, so I'll try to do better from now on.
Goodness, the show. Who would have thought it would matter to me so much? I wouldn't be there I am without it, and even with rather minuscule accomplishments, I am pretty sure they would be even less without it. If not for the show I probably wouldn't have learned English proficiently enough to speak and consume media in it casually so early, and without it, well I honestly not sure how my life would have turned out. Both the show and the fandom are the endless source of inspiration, and they helped me through some really tough times. I met so many new wonderful people because of it, either directly, because they are or were a fan or artist, or indirectly, with me ending up hanging out on tumblr or sparkling my interest in the fields outside the fandom. And even if the times may be rough sometimes (he he haha), I would never trade the friendships and memories I made here. <3