Next Gen : Mel
Mel' is the son of Appeljack and Coloratura. His complete name is Torta di Mele.
He pass most of his life in Apple's farm because Coloratura was often in travel for her work. Despite this he was really clause to both his moms. But he had some maturity issues. He's an ass and can be really grump because he had many trouble to find his way in his familly and the society. He has many trouble at school because he can stay in place, had difficulties to leran and sometimes even fight with other. Now he's a full grow adult, he and his moms think he probably had a little ADHD or maybe high IQ.
He was a blanck flank during many years and only gain his cutie mark in really late teenage. He read an article about how music held plant to grows, make some experimente and finally gain his cutie mark. Even if he stop school at a young age, he finally enter university to studies seeds and botanic in high level of expertise. His studies make him closer to Asteria who help him sometimes with university things.
He has a really dense mane with a tendency to curl, that's why he cut them often. His tenebrous attitude and his complete mess mane bring him many attention to other stallionss, to his own despair. (I personnaly think he looks like a boys band dude XD)