You see, mares and gentlecolts, we here at Drone Inc. believe that there is always a place for those who want to help their fellow Equestrians, and offer employment for anyone who wants to do so, regardless of their age (provided they're an adult, of course). In fact, we're proud that we employ more middle-aged and senior citizens than any other entity in euqestria! While Ms. Harshwhinny isn't our oldest drone, she's been here the longest… fifteen years if I remember correctly. She was here before I joined, and will likely keep working us for many years to come.
What's that? You want to know how long ponies can be drones? That's an excellent question! While older individuals obviously can't lift heavy weights or do physically demanding jobs, they can still go shopping and run errands, act in leadership roles for a variety of organizations, be advisors who can draw on decades of experience to younger employers, or just provide companionship for their employers; you'd be surprised at how many younger ponies enjoy working with drones who are older and more knowledgeable than them, and are eager and willing to help out. And as an added bonus, we've found that the release of endorphins and dopamine upon completing a task can actually help revitalize older drones in both body and mind, giving them a fresh wind on life, even into their eighties, nineties, and beyond! That means Ms. Harshwhinny here may be working as a drone for another fifty years!
Well, let's continue the tour; Ms. Harshwhinny no doubt would like to just soak up the sun's rays before continuing on her errands, and it'd be rude to interrupt her.