Originally posted on: October 17, 2016, 9:32 PM UTC
Inktober 2 and 16
I miss 14 days of Inktober and realized I don't draw since I start my work. I have to draw again and this force me to draw a little everyday. It's just a crappy sketch but it already take me to long to do it ☹️ But it's still a draw ! So I will do 2 inktobers about ponies everyday until the end of the month. Well, I'll try 😉
Number 1 and 15 lady-limule.deviantart.com/art…
2 : Noisy with Running Steam
16 : Wet with Silver Fang
And I want to draw a different characters every time.
An I don't forget the three draw i have to do for artist on DA !! I promises !
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