
(All the Ninjas are riding through the city in the Hauler)

Micro Chips: This ride is amazing!!!

Michelangelo: Nice wheels!

Donatello: Totally radical! Whoo hoo!

Lemon Zest: You said it!

Indigo Zap: Yeah!

Rap: Please tell me we're not just driving in circles, Donnie.

Don: I've recalibrate the Hauler's tracking apparatus to seek an underground object similar to the technodrome's surface area.

Donnie: (points) See? The pinging indicates that we're closing in on the Technodrome's location with this-

Donatello: Subterranean sonar! Brilliant notion, Donatellos!

Raph, Rap, and Raphael: Nerds.

Pinkie Pie: Hmm? Anyone get that feeling we're being followed?

(As they drive along, and a purple dragon helicopter flies over them)

Purple Dragon pilot: Sky Dragon Five to Dragon King, I see them, boss. Going south on Lexington.

Hun: (on the comlink) Good! (while driving a truck) Let's do this… (something big in the back growls)


Timber: I’m surprised we could all fit in this thing. Nice.

Don: if you like this, should see the rest of our toys.

Timber: I've seen a lot of cool tech since I met Twilight.

Sci-Twi: (blushes) Well, I have a little help from the Donnies.

(The two blush before they hear Raph gagging)

Raphael: Get a room, you two! This isn’t the Love Boat! (Turns to the fourth wall) if there’s gonna be any more romance, you may wanna read another fiction.

(The Dazzlings all look confused at the fourth wall while Sonata waves slowly)

Sonata: what’re you?

Aria: Probably best not to ask.

Donatello: (points to the monitor) According to this, the Technodrome's close.

Splinter: (puts his hands on Don and Donatello's shoulders. Then on Donnie's) Well done, my sons.

(Suddenly, a truck drives along side and rams the Hauler, causing it to tip over, roll around, and skid to stop in the middle of an intersection on it's side.)

Leo: Is everyone alright?

(Everyone voices their assurance)

Applejack: Apple Bloom, are you okay?

Apple Bloom: I think so.

Scootaloo: That wasn't fun!

Raphael: (to the forth wall) Remember, this is why you should always wear your seatbelt.

Pinkie Pie: (also to the forth wall) Always!

Raph: (looks around in confusion) Who are you guys talking to?

Flash: What hit us?

Sunset Shimmer: Only one way to find out.

(Soon, the Donnies climb up through the driver door.)

Don: What the shell?!

(Everyone comes out to see two Purple Dragons come out of the truck, then Hun walks up on the roof)

Rainbow Dash: Purple Dragons!

Casey: And Hun! Or should I say Scum?!

Lotus Blossom: Lowlife Filth!

Sunny Flare: You creeps again?!

Aria: Trying run us off the road, huh?!

Sandalwood: Not cool, dudes! So not cool!

Timber: If you punks are up for another beat down, we'll be happy to ablige!

(Then the two dragons open the back doors of the truck to reveal a giant mutant dog, that growls and snarls.)

(The group gasps)

Both Spikes (hiding behind the hauler) What is that?!

Raph: Another dog mutant?

Mikey: He makes Rahzar look like he was starving?

Adagio: Oh yeah. I keep forgetting about Bradford.

Spike: Why do I keep missing being Wolfatizer at times like this?

Rap: Hun, you didn't tell us you had family in town?

Hun: And you didn't tell me your doppelgangers were carrying super powered mutagen!

Leonard: What's he talking about?

(Everyone looks at Donatello, who glaces down at his belt that has smalls viles of mutagen)

Donatello: Um… remember when you guys saved us from the Purple Dragons? Well, before that, Hun stole these viles of Mutagen. When you knocked him down, he dropped one. And it hit one of the dragons.

Sour Sweet: And you’re telling us this now BECAUSE?!

Donatello: Well, we were fighting, and getting to know each other so I kinda…. forgot?

Aria: This, is the worst!

(Growling, the mutant dog jumps out of the truck and onto the road.)

Hun: That stuff barely splattered Mohawk here! Imagine what I could do with more?!

Fluttershy: I'd rather not!

(Mohawk lunges at the group)

Leos and Princess Twilight: Scatter!

(The group scatters and Mohawk rams into the Hauler, turning it. Then he leaps out at them.)

Hun: (Jumps down from the truck and lands in front of Donatello) Give me those viles, you little freak!

Donatello: (runs away) See yah! (Hun chases after him)

(Donnie, Don, Sci Twi, and Micro Chips are dodging Mohawk's swinging claws)

Sci-Twi: He has claws?!

Micro Chips: And his growls seem very distinctive to that of a lion!

Donnie: He might also have traces of lion DNA!

Don: How is that even possible? (Mohawk swings his claws down at them as they dodge.) Right, not really the time to question!

Donnie: Hey uh, Mohawk, right? Listen, we're really sorry for causing your mutation. (Dodges another attack) But I can fix that! (Holds out his retro mutagen sprayer) This is retro mutagen, it can undo your mutation! (Mohawk grabs him by the face) Not again! (Screams as Mohawk swings him into Don, Sci Twi, and Micro Chips, knocking them all in a heap)

(Then just as Mohawk is about to attack again.)

Michelangelo: Hey, gruesome?!

(Mohawk looks over and sees the Mikeys, Pinkie Pie, and the CMC)

Pinkie Pie: You hoo!

Scootaloo: Over here!

Apple Bloom: Come get us!

(They, Michelangelo, and Pinkie Pie blow raspberries)

Mikey: You’re not so tough, Punk Mutt!

Mike: Punk Mutt?

Mikey: Tried to add Mohawk to the name, but couldn’t think of anything.

(Mohawk looked confused before growling at them and rushes at them to attack)

All seven: (jumping out the way, revealing a fire hydrant) Cowabunga/Booyakasha!

(Mohawk hits the hydrant and the water flow lifts Michelangelo as he pretended to swim)

Michelangelo: Like, thar she blows, dude!

(Both Mikeys and Pinkie laugh)

Mike: I crack me up!

Mikey: I know right?

Pinkie Pie: (giggling) Yeah!

Sweetie Belle: Uh, guys! (Points)

(The two Mikeys and Pinkie see Mohawk coming after them and they and the CMC's scream and run around the geyser of water with the mutant dog right behind them.)

Mike: Bad doggie! Down! Down, boy!

(Michelangelo jumps down and nails Mohawk, before he runs off too. Mohawk gets up, shakes his head, and chases after them)

Mike: Whoo-whoo-whoo!

Michelangelo: Gang way! Coming through!

Mikey: Angry Punk Mutt right behind us!

(While running, the CMC trip and Mohawk closes in on them. They scream and hold onto each other. When Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash attack and knock him back.)

All three: Keep your paws off our little sisters! (They attack Mohawk, until he pins them down ready to strike them with his claws)

CMC: Hey! Get your paws off our big sisters! (They jump onto Mohawk, making him let go of the three Rainbooms and back up.)

(Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash get up and tackle Mohawk and they all wrestle with the mutant, until he throws them all off. Just then Splinter leaps in a wacks Mohawk with his stick, making him yelp. But then the mutant swipes Splinter with his claws, sending him crashing into the Hauler)

Karai: No! (Morphs into her serpent mode) not again! (She slithers to Splinter and blocks Mohawk) You. Will. Not. HARM HIM! (She is able to send Mohawk back before reverting back to her human self then turns and helps Splinter up) are you alright, Splinter?

Splinter: I will be fine. Thank you. Now go help the others.

(Karai nods and hurries to help while Splinter leans on the hauler)

(Hun has Donatello cornered.)

Hun: Give me that mutagen!

Flash Sentry: I don't think so!

(Hun turns just in time for Flash, Timber, and Sandalwood to knock him back with a flying kick.)

Hun: Why you!

(Hun attacks the three as they dodge his attacks)

Hun: you twerps picked a wrong time to play hero!

Flash: who says we’re playing?

(The three battle Hun who kept throwing them aside then he grabbed Flash by the shoulder)

Hun: pity to ruin your pretty boy face.

(Hun is then kicked away by Lotus, causing him to drop Flash, who is set down gently by April)

Lotus: you may be rough on young fighters, but let’s see you take on a master!

(Lotus battles against Hun, having the upper hand at first, until Hun manages to get a hold of her and throw her against a wall. Karai, April, and Starlight see that and nod to each other.)

Hun: (stomps up to Lotus) I'll admit your good, girly. But I'm not leader of the Purple Dragons or the Shredder's former right hand for nothing! (Raises his fists in the air about to smash her, when he's hit with a psychic blast. He stands up to see a smirking April, while Karai helps Lotus up.) You again!

April: Yeah, but you're not very aware are you?

Karai: You alright, Lotus?

Lotus: I am well.

Hun: (pounds his fists) It's payback time! (Get's hit in the head by Sandalwood's shield.)

Timber: Our thoughts exactly!

Sandalwood: Might if we back you dudettes up?

Karai: Not at all!

(Hun growls and charges at them as they fight)

(Rainbow Dash then runs around Mohawk, confusing the creature before he was able to smack her)

Rainbow: That hurt.

Lemon: (jumping towards Mohawk) Rock n rooll! (She and Sugarcoat tag teamed before Mohawk grabbed Lemon and slammed her on Sugarcoat)

Sugarcoat: More like Crash and burn.

Aria: Jones! Go long!

(Aria swings her tribon, having Casey grab the other end, and hurling him towards the monster.

Casey: Goongala! (Tases Mohawk)

(The girls and boys continue to fight with Hun, and soon begin backing away as he advances toward them.)

Hun: I'm done dancing with you runts!

Karai: So are we. (Calls out) Now, Starlight!

(Suddenly, there's a sound of a roaring engine and Hun is rammed and picked up by his own truck. He looks inside to see Starlight driving.)

Hun: You! Get out of my ride!

Starlight Glimmer: What was that? Gun it? Ok! (Floors the gas, speeding up, and making Hun face-plant on the windshield.)

Hun: That's not what I said! Stop this truck right now!

Starlight Glimmer: Well, why didn't you say so? (Hits the breaks and Hun is sent flying off the truck and crashes right into a lamp post, bending it and breaking off the top part that falls and hits Hun in the stomach.) Sunset's right, driving is fun.

(Suddenly Mohawk appears and grabs hold of the truck. Starlight screams and steps on the gas, but Mohawk has already lifted the truck off the ground.)

Princess Twilight: Starlight!

(Inside the Hauler, the Spikes have seen everything)

Spike: Starlight! (Backs up but Dog Spike stops him)

Dog Spike: Watch it!

Spike: (looks back seeing a puddle of mutagen.) Where'd that come from?

Dog Spike: Must be from one of Donatello's mutagen viles.

Spike: Looks like he spilled it when we crashed.

(Back outside, Mohawk still has the truck, when..)

April: Hey, Mohawk! (Sends a psychic blast that knocks him away, making him drop the truck.)

Starlight: (breathes as she exits the vehicle) thanks, April.

April: No problem.

(Mohawk roars getting up. Then Leo, Leonard, and Leonardo all charge with katanas)

Leonardo: Turtle Power!

(Despite getting a couple hits on him, the three were smacked away, then the creature creeps up to Leo)

Princess Twilight/Sci-Twi: Leo!

Timber: No.

Flash: Hang on!

(Inside the Hauler, the Spikes gasp and wonder what to do to save the Leo, when Spike looks back at the spilled mutagen. Then with a determined look he scamper over to it)

Dog Spike: What are you doing?

Spike: Saving Leo! I hope. (Then he jumps up and rolls around in the mutagen.) Aarghh! Oooo! It hurts! (Then with a deep growl, his eyes shoot open now glowing green.

Dog Spike: (in wide eyed shock as he watches Spike mutate) Sweet Celestia!

(Back outside, Mohawk roars as he's about to hit Leo with his claws, when a loud wolf howl perices the night. Everyone looks over to the Hauler. Then a large figure bursts out of the truck and lands on the ground. It's Spike mutated back into Wolfatizer.)

Wolfatizer: Mohawk! (Mohawk turns and looks at him.) Pick on someone your own size! (Roars)

(Mohawk growls and stalks toward Wolfatizer. Then the two mutant canines rush at each other and began to fight.)

Princess Twilight: Spike?!

Mikey: The return of Wolfatizer!

(The two fighting mutant roll right at them.)

Rap: Incomin'!

(Everyone scatters as Mohawk pins Wolfatizer against the wall, but Wolfatizer pushes him back.)

Sour Sweet: Is that really your dog, Twilight?

Dog Spike: (runs up) Nope. It’s the other me.

Rarity: WHAT?!

Sunset: Not again.

Sugarcoat: Did another vile of mutagen broke on him?

(Shadowbolts glare at Donatello who waves no)

Dog Spike: Not on him. We found a puddle in the hauler. When we saw Leo in trouble, The other me jumped in the mutagen in hopes to save Leo.

Leo: (feeling guilty) Donnie! How much retro mutagen do we have?

Donnie: just enough for one spray. And I don’t aim correctly, I may cure only one of them. And they’re not holding still anytime soon.

Princess Twilight: Spike. Don’t give in.

(Wolfatizer and Mohawk continue to battle until Mohawk throws the mutant Spike up into the air and onto a roof. Then he climbs up after him and they resume slugging it out. When Mohawk pushes Wolfatizer back a bit, he growls then runs up and tackles the dog, sending them both flying off the roof and crash landing on the Hauler, before rolling off. Then they stand and circle each other before they charge and fight again.)

Donnie: (trying to aim the retro mutagen at them) can’t get a steady shot!

Shini: is He out of control like how Karai told me about last time?

April: (feeling her head) No. he’s still in control. Just trying to keep Mohawk in check.

Princess Twilight: Spike! Hold him steady so we can de mutate you both!

Spike: (struggling to hold onto Mohawk) Donnie! Hurry!

Donnie: Booyakasha! (Sprays them both with the retro mutagen, coating them in a orange cloud.)

(When it settles, Spike and Mohawk have been turned back into a dog and human. Spike is hanging on Mohawk's shoulders as they wobble around before the Purple Dragon collapses on the ground.)

Spike: Don't think I'll ever get used to that…

Princess Twilight: Spike! (Runs over and hugs her friend) Are you okay?

Spike: Pretty much.

Rainbow Dash: That was awesome!

Casey: And metal!

Lemon Zest: You sure showed that mutant!

Spike: You okay Leos?

Leo: We are now thanks to you, Spike.

(Splinter groans as everyone hurries to him)

Leonard: Father! Are you alright?

Splinter: Yes. Thanks to Karai I am.

(The 80’s Turtles look at each other)

Leonardo: Father?

Splinter: And you did very well, Spike.

(Splinter pets the dragon turned dog)

Spike: Thanks, sensei.

Sunset: Flash, are you okay?

Flash: (rubbing his shoulder) A little stiff, but I don’t think he did any permanent damage.

Leonard: We better get back to the lair.

Mike: Woohoo! Time to hit the sewers, bros!

(80s Turtles cheer)

Michelangelo: (struggles as he tries to open the sewer lid) These things are a lot heavier in your dimension!

Applejack: (rolls her eyes) Oh boy. (Steps in) Allow me. (Takes off the lid with her strength)

(As they head into the sewer, Hun wakes up.)

Rap: Alright, everybody into da pool!

Michelangelo: Pew! Your sewers really stink!

Sugarcoat: I agree.

Don: (to Michelangelo) Um, you don't have any nostrils.

Michelangelo: Tochue.

Rarity: Gah! I just got sewer filth on my shoes!

Applejack: Quit your fussing, Rarity!

Donatello: (while he's the last one in) Hey! What about the Technodrome?

Pinkie Pie: (pops up) Yeah! Who knows what kind of evil stuff Shredder and Krang could be up too!

Rap: Dat crate moves about as half as you guys. We'll catch up to it. (Pushes them in)

Donatello and Pinkie: Hey!

(Then just as Rap climbs in, Hun runs up and tackles the three and they all land in front of the others)

Turtles: Hun!

(Hun swats Pinkie aside, picks up Rap and hurls him away, then he steps on Donatello and rips off his belt with the mutagen.)

Hun: Heh! Mine! (Turns to the ninjas) Hun wins again!

Keno: You sure?

Hun: Uh yeah?

Sonata: Really sure?

Hun: What are you getting at?

Michelangelo: Um… You might wanna take a closer look, Mr. Winner. (Points)

Hun: Huh? (notices another vile broke and mutagen was seeping through his hand) AAAAAAAAAH!

Applebloom: That doesn’t look good.

Sweetie Belle: At all.

Scootaloo: You reep what you sow, Hun!

(Just then Rap comes leaping with a flying kick.)

Sci-Twi: Rap, NOOOOO!

(Rap nails Hun in the belly, knocking him off Donatello. Then Casey sweeps Hun's legs, making him let go of Donatello's belt. The turtle flips up and grabs it.)

Hun: Get this crud off! (Donatello bounces off him)

Casey: Later, Scum! I mean, Hun!

(Everyone runs off to the lair)

Donatello: Let's not stay in touch!

Hun: NO! (Tries to wash off the mutagen) GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF MEEEEEEE!


(Later a large shadow is seen stomping the sewers all the way to the underground caverns. Suddenly a light shines on him as the Technodrome rolls up to him and opens, revealing Chrell in a new Shredder suit and Oroku Karai)

Shredder: Hun. My old friend.

Hun: You!

Shredder: Having a bad day?

Hun: (looking at himself) Look what they done to me! Accursed Turtles and Rainbooms!

Shredder: Perhaps we have common cause once again you and I. Yes? (Holds out his hand)

Hun: (accepts shredders hand) Yes. Master.

Dialog by me and TMNTony

Wolfatizer by BozzerKazooers edited by me.

Equestria Ninja Girls by DarkMagicianmon
safe2474268 artist:jebens1312 imported from derpibooru3638202 pinkie pie296894 sonata dusk18791 spike107948 starlight glimmer68302 twilight sparkle416410 equestria girls299534 boots36525 clothes724406 comic149819 gloves36291 keno7 michelangelo245 motorcross680 pedal173 shoes66112 story included13867 teenage mutant ninja turtles882 traditional art157097 twilight sparkle (human)1


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