
1. After being promoted to Vice Head Stallion and Yak, married couple Yona and Sandbar got to work with a vast array of students over the years. As such, a yearning grew between them. While very much in love, they weren't biologically compatible in the baby-growing department, and even the most powerful of magic has its few limitations (even for Discord or Celestia). After being inspired by one of Yona's letters, Silverstream and wife Ocellus invite the two to visit Mount Arris and meet somecreature. That creature, of course, turns out to be the orphan, Seasmoke. The young hippogriff had been living as a ward of the Royal Court since he hatched, his cracked egg found abandoned on the shoreline, and made a small living by tending to the queen's gardens and usually keeping to himself. Silverstream and Ocellus are very fond of him, and do look out for him, but with ever-increasing royal responsibilities, they knew their time with him was going to be more and more limited...and knew that the yak and pony would help out the young creature in need. After being introduced, Yona scoops the hippogriff up in classic affectionate yak fashion, completely ignoring his silver wheelchair. The slightly confused teenager is initially informed that the couple was told all about his botanical skills and wanted to see his garden. He leads them on a tour of Mount Arris, pointing out different points of interest, and growing to like the two enthusiastic adults. They love to ask questions, and are actually showing an interest in what he's interested in (Silver and Ocellus usually filled that role when time permitted). The tour ends at his beautiful garden, with a rainbow of flowers and plants arranged in the most lovely manner. He gifts Yona with one of his prize exotic lilies, and she offers a gift in return: a forever home in Ponyville with some loving parents. Seasmoke, of course, is a tad shocked at first. After all, he'd been without a solid parent since...ever. No one was really lining up to adopt a sullen, disabled teenager. But Yona's genuine smile and gentle squeeze of his claw brings unwanted tears to his eyes. "Yona knows it would be huge move for Seasmoke. When Yona moved there, it felt like change was bigger than all yaks in the world combined. If Seasmoke need time, its okay. Just write to Yona-" "Can you tell me...more about what Ponyville is like?" "Yona and Sandbar would love to." And from there, the decision is basically solidified. The two excitedly tell the hippogriff all of the great things about Ponyville - the citizens, the quiet village, the adventures sure to be had, the school, the castle...there was much more to the country than Smoky originally thought. After a tearful goodbye to the two creatures he would still very much look up to, Silverstream and Ocellus send their young friend on to a brand-new life, knowing that he was going to be just fine in Ponyville. 2-3. The moment he crests the hills that border Ponyville, and is able to look over the town, Seasmoke feels emotions he's never really before - uncertainty, extreme excitement, a bright hope for the future, a fear that he's going to be just as ignored he was back on Mount Arris...After all, who wants to play with somegriff who couldn't venture into the ocean without help, or climb the sea cliffs without slowing down for him. Yona, Sandbar, and the rest of their friends' various encouragement, however, is just what the hippogriff needs. It takes time for him to settle and venture out of his new room, but his new parents give him time and try not to rush him (though Yona was on pins and needles, waiting for him to call her "mom" without asking first). They slowly introduce him to other various friends, including the Princess of Friendship herself, and her courts' gaggle of children...just about his age. He's not exactly the most friendly creature at first, wary of their offers to hang out and get to know one another. He hangs back and observes for awhile, knowing just how most of these "friendships" end up. Or, so he thinks. These guys just don't give up on trying to be nice. Learning the draconequus in the group was one of the nicest of the lot (and that her father was reformed and married) was a bit of a surprise. The future Princess of Friendship excitedly discusses her favorite part of the book he's reading, left out on a desk. Delicious sweet treats often appear at his doorstep (his favorites are the raspberry cupcakes with cream cheese frosting) arranged in a smiley-face. BB often works with him in his mother Roseluck's shop, filling the quiet days with cheerful conversation. Other than a few curious glances or queries, most of them ignore his wheelchair or disability altogether. Its not immediate, but the icy hippogriff thaws, and starts to let more creatures into his life. He becomes a common sight amongst the citizens of Ponyville, and while there aren't a whole lot of other hippogriffs that live there, Seasmoke doesn't really feel left out anymore. He can still be grumpy, sarcastic, and snarky, but he is quite fond of those that he calls his friends. He works diligently in Roseluck's flower shop, being hired there after his prowess with growing flowers and arranging them is discovered. He's often recruited to assist with one of the Pie's famous parties (and Pinkie has tried to hire the talented hippogriff for her own shop more than once, much to Roseluck's annoyance). His adoration and love for poetry is one of his more secret talents, but the cards slipped into each bouquet with a note requested have the most beautiful prose woven into the paper. He doesn't outwardly display his talent, but does enjoy sharing his craft with fellow writer, Dawn Star, and reading her work in turn. Dawn is one of the few creatures to know that Smoky is truly a romantic soul that has a lot of love in his heart for an eventual partner (though polite, he usually shoots down dating offers, much to the offering creatures confusion). And, she's not telling, but she knows who he has a crush on. ;) (Wink)


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