The base is formed by BounSwetie And The background formed by DragonChaser123 (Background: Rainbow Dash's House Hallway) ———————————————————————————————————————
Windstorm Gale: (Open The door) Mom?! (Walk in the house and later close the door behind him) I'm back!
Rainbow Dash: Gale? (Fly over the stairs) You back home! where were you?! (Rainbow Get angry and fly turns to Gale )I was looking for you! (land the floor and walking turns to gale)
Windstorm Gale: I'm sorry mom! (Gale walk backward and got scared a little) I didn't mean I get myself late, I was-
Rainbow Dash: You have no ideas, that you have me so worr-
(Rainbow dash pause and she saw her son wearing a his first medal)
Rainbow dash: Were you in the races? and you won? (Rainbow dash was in shock)
Windstorm Gale: Umm…Yes? Please don't be mad… (Windstorm gives a shameful look)
Rainbow Dash: Mad? (Rainbow's anger turn to joy) I'm Happy for you! (Hugging windstorm gale to death) Why you didn't tell me that you won in the race?!
Windstorm Gale: (Struggle to breathe) Mom…I…can't breathe!
Rainbow Dash: Oh! Sorry Kiddo (Stop hugging tightly but still hugging him) Again, Why you didn't tell me.
Windstorm Gale: I guess, I thought I'm just not good enough to be the best flyer like you, mom…(Sad face) I was scared that you disappoint me! Or even hate me! you always be the best flyer ever since you were young. And your confidence always is the best…
Rainbow Dash: Gale…Why I ever hate you? You are my son! (Pause again and she sigh) When I was a little filly, I wasn't always a fast flyer… and the only thing I could win in competitive races was participation awards. Despite never winning any races. But Over time, I started to won races and place higher in competitions. and who is always supports me? Your grandparent. They have given me the confidence I needed to become a better flyer. So for you, takes time for your confidence, But now! you did it! you won the race!
(Rainbow dash lifting her son the air)
Rainbow Dash: And I'm so proud of you! (Windstorm giggled) Gale… Sometimes you may never be good enough. But you will always be the best for those who you deserve. You are good, Windstorm Gale. But it is not enough just to be good. You always be good for something, You always contribute to be good for the Equestria! And the good that is in you must be spread to others ponies' confidence!
Windstorm Gale: Thank you mom… (Hugging her mother tightly)