… such a duo, right? I got a particular head-canon over what made Ember send of all dragons Smolder that I want to explore over (a case of a bad revenge plot, in some sense), but besides that, these two are pretty damn fun to watch whenever they're in the spotlight. With one learning to know how to friendship and one learning to know how to friends- wait, let me say that over. With one leading an entire pack of dragons while enforcing a new thing called "friendship" and the other learning to fully understand friendship, I find it interesting how they handle the… thing (what is friendship in labeling such?). I enjoy Smolder's sassy yet straight-the-point character with a little secret that I bet no one would expect (well, at least not as original as one would think, but how long will it take for you to say that there's already a brash dragon who enjoys cute stuff? and Ember's determination yet confusion among understanding new customs as a leader as well. Otherwise, great characters in a great show (that I will still occassionaly bash at because I enjoy it, unlike its counterpoint…).
Oh, and before you write it, I specifically wanted to focus on these two because of how they were born and raised in their homeland, sadly not applicable to the purple one. Maybe next time : p
also FIRST OFFICIAL PROJECT DONE IN DIGITAL!! wanted another digital project that is almost done to be up first but this is nice >:]
and yes, the text behind was inspired by Beastars… and apparently it looks similar to vol. 20's cover, holy. ugh. welp, it is what it is.
Fun Fact: Spider bites aren't usually harmful, but some bites may cause the occasiion reddening, swelling, and itchiness of the bitten skin, with only two main types of spiders known to do much more damage with its venom: the black widow and the brown recluse, spider.
MLP:FiM is own by Hasbro!
Q/A q: where the he(aven) have you been? a: spider bit my left finger and it was bloody swollen really badly, so i took time off away from uploading daily sketches and among others for it to heal (its now better). oh, and the sketches will be up later today. c:
q: what program is this? a: down below, answers
q: REquests? a: TBA (very) soon :>
INFO ON ART UPDATE: Since this is the first digital project I've done, the details have changed a bit
Rough Sketch (not counting the "idea" on paper, but sketched roughly digitally): 7/22/20 (12 minutes) Final Sketch (final lines sketched, like inking): 5/22/20 (46 minutes) Seen here: www.deviantart.com/johnerose12… Color (basic coloring): 5/26/20 (2 hours and 8 minutes) Final (shading, extra details, fixing, etc.): 5/28/20 (1 hour and 57 minutes) Tools Used (in Corel Painter Essentials 7) (brushes used, following no order): Cover Pencil, Tapered Camel, Soft Charcoal, Variable Splatter
Music Listened: UPDATE: Since I realized I listen alot of silvagunner lately, I will be adding who composed the song to avoid confusion on the actual song or the actual rip Teknopathetic — Jet Set Radio Future by Hideki Naganuma Dragula (Si Non Oscillas, Noli Tintinnare Mix) — Jet Set Radio Future by silvagunner Artificial Amateurs — King for a Day by silvagunner