
The year is 1715 and Dutch have landed in the magical land of Equestria. The Dutch have declared war on Equestia. While Prince Blueblood was out on a pleasure cruise his ship was attacked by a Dutch Privateer and the Dutch Privateer takes Prince Blueblood and the passengers as prisoners and leaves Blueblood's ship to sink while down in the brig Prince Blueblood and the passengers of the ship he was on start planning to take over this ship and kill the Dutch Pirate and his crew of cutthroats for days they plot until the day comes where Prince Blueblood and the other prisoners slay the guards while Blueblood kills the guard with the keys and takes the keys and frees the other prisoners then they break into the Armory and arm up then Prince Blueblood and the other prisoners rush up onto the main deck swinging Cutlass's and firing pistols, muskets, and blunderbuss's catching the Dutch off guard and slaughtering them all and within moments the Dutch Captain lays dead and Blueblood gives a speech about how they are going to use this ship to raid ships bearing Dutch Colors the former prisoners begin cheer and elect Blueblood as Captain and the rename the ship to Blueblood's Revenge. Prince Blueblood manages to get aunt Celestia to give a letter of marque and thus Prince Blueblood begins Privateer career and he quickly gains allot of infamy from raiding Dutch towns and ships and a bounty of 50 million Guilders making him the most wanted Pirate in the eyes of the Dutch.

MLP:FiM owned by Hasbro.


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