26th Nov 2020, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2
Another instance where changing the context to a D&D campaign alters the context of the episode in ways big and small. Sending three hypnotized bridesmaids to stop the bride and the Best Mare, not the worst plan. Sending three hypnotized commoners to harass the alicorn princess and a Paragon-level Wizard, well…
DM: Finally, after an exhaustive search, you find the light at the end of the tunnel. Or rather, the light from the Canterlot catacombs at the top of the cave. It seems odd that the impostor would have left an entrance open, so you can safely assume somepony else opened it from the outside.
Twilight Sparkle: Excellent! The plan's coming together!
DM: But…
Twilight Sparkle: <sigh…> There's always a "but."
DM: As you make your way to the exit, your path is abruptly blocked by three familiar ponies.
Twilight Sparkle: Uh-oh.
DM: Remember the original bridesmaids the party intentionally got removed? They're here, shambling towards you, with sickly green light shining from their eyes.
Minuette, Lyra Heartstrings, and Twinkleshine: You're not going aaaaaanywheeere…
Twilight Sparkle: Great. Innocent civilians I can't just obliterate with a Fireball.