
"Those ponies wouldn't give us ten minutes alone! I laughed it all off in the end, but is it such a crime? For a pony to want a little one-on-one time with their childhood friend?"
"Must be a crime in Ponyville."
BFFs Gilda Griffon and Starlight Glimmer meeting for a drink, a burger, and a chat. I realized a little while ago they both have episodes where they commit the horrible crime of "wanting to hang out with someone who's visiting you for a couple of days and being upset when you don't get to spend much quality time together" and the idea just kinda spiraled from a joke-y pic of them meeting to bitch about their shared experience to the two just genuinely being friends. They bond over being two of Ponyville's least liked citizens and not giving a rat's ass about it. Also a shared love of fast food, celebrity gossip, and miniatures. Trixie and Rainbow are friends too! All four of them hang out and play board games together and Trixie only sometimes flips the board over when she's losing.

yes. all my favourite characters must be friends and hang out in the pony universe of my creation

also i posted this on patreon first so….go subscribe over there if you have the funds and are just CHOMPING AT THE BIT for owlcoholik content. I was gonna "officially" launch it at 1k watchers but i hit that super quick (thank you guys ;__;) so…oops. I'm aiming for having it all prettied up and having a whole launch post for it around January 2021.

hopefully I don't have to say this but please don't try to like argue with me about Starlight Glimmer in the comments? or Gilda? i know they're both unpopular characters but it's not 2015…I'm not gonna fight you on who's best pony. it doesn't really upset me or anything I'll just ignore you, the vast majority of the comments I get are positive anyway so I'm not that worried about it if me posting this wasn't enough indication of that. Just warning you you're not gonna get a rise out of me by insulting my favourite pony characters, you're not even gonna get a response…on that note lemme just say: I was honestly overwhelmed by the amount of positive comments on my last Rainbow Dash post, I usually try to reply to as many comments but I got so many nice ones I was just paralyzed by the love and positivity I guess. from the bottom of my heart thank all of you I'll probably make some little end of the year reflection post talking about more about it but I'm super grateful for the audience I've been building on here and very hopeful for my future as an ~artist~


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