- How is it that a prince of your rank is among the new recruits ?
- I didn’t really have a choice, said Beetles, looking down, my father sent me there to complete my royal education.
Spessartit felt Beetles' sadness.
- Miss Twilight, can I go and have an ice cream with my new friend ? asked the young princess
The unicorn smiled and accepted, giving Beetles his afternoon off, under the envious gaze of his comrades. They walked together through the city, looking for Spessartite’s favorite glacier. She loved simple things and enjoyed every moment of her day ! Beetles was quite embarrassed under the looks and whispers of the other ponies, and wanted to turn into little mice, in order to disappear.
When they arrived at the glacier, Spessartite ordered the biggest cup, as well as two spoons. While waiting for her request, she explained:
- You know, I was born Alicorne, so my life is already all mapped out. I’m going to rule a kingdom and I’m not going to hide it from you, it bothers me enormously !
She looked out the window at the other ponies and let out a sad look:
- I wish I had been a simple pony, without a problem, without a clear future…
Beetles knew how she felt and felt less alone in the situation. He looked at her with an awkward smile and began to taste the ice cream that had just arrived.
- That’s why I chose to spend the afternoon with you, continued the princess, you understand me ! You are the son of Princess Luna and Prince Pharynx, while you asked nothing, your future is also marked out !
- But, replied Beetles, we could spend the day like a simple pony-changeling, no.
Spessartite smiled and after paying for the ice cream, they began to run through the streets, laughing, thinking only of the day. They amused themselves like a simple pony-changeling and enjoyed this moment! At the end of this afternoon, they came back through the castle garden. Spessartite was so pretty in the moonlight and was happier than ever. She turned her head towards her friend and saw a pink flower magically floating in front of her muzzle.
- I love your autumn colours, said Beetles, they brighten my monotonous days !
Spessartite was astonished, but also delighted and embarrassed. She took the flower and posed on the cheek of the changeling a sweet kiss.
- Thank you for noticing me for myself and not for my title, she replied before returning to the castle, leaving the young guard in the garden, madly in love.