Personality: Playful, aggressively loud and a wild party animal and flirty as shit. Makes a ton of halloween pumpkin spice treats, year round. They’re agender because chaos doesn’t care for your stupid gender roles. They have pie family brawn and are fully capable of cracking boulders with a tap. Night owl. Wild as shit and unpredictable. Likely committed arson. Has empathy issues and likes to avoid their own problems through partying and going wild, or purposefully overusing their powers so they don't have to think or feel, just avoid their problems! I'm sure that'll work and wont drive away all their friends!
Other facts! - Their powers, while just as infinite as discord's, burns a shit ton of energy and isn't quite suited for her puny horse body. If they’ve overused their magic she becomes ‘deflated’, much like Pinkie when they're emotionally distressed. No more chaos magic left, just flat n tired.
- Been friends with Oracle but broke it off because she was ‘being too much of a buzzkill’, aka was dumping insecurities onto her and Pumpkin didn’t know how to help. Whatever, they have looads of friends. (no they dont)
- Spends half of nightmare night trick-or-treating and the other half hiding in bushes, ambushing little kids. Fear me mortal children, for i am your worst nightmare. also sews their own costumes every year, yes they know they can chaos one up and no they don't care
- Sleeps upside down in trees. if they decide to sleep at all.
- one time they locked her friends in the basement of their home and said “haha escape room” and came back an hour saying they lost
- hair probably crunches if you move it because of the amount of hairspray they use