
Compass Cloud
"The best part of any quest is the journey you make."
Parents: Coco Pommel and an anonymous sperm donor
Siblings: Mirabelle
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn
Allignment: Harmony
Talent: Adventuring
Birthplace: Manehattan

General Bio:

Compass Cloud is the youngest child of Coco Pommel. He and his older sister both have the same donor, despite being born during separate pregnancies.
Cloud here doesn't spend a lot of time at home, instead preferring to travel around the world seeing as much as he can. To him, the destination doesn't matter, it's the journey he takes along the way.
He's friends with Camo Feather, Spiced Chai, Sandstone and Valkyrie.

Future Spouse/Partner: Spiced Chai and Venus


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