
"Sugar Belle's a Unicorn who's brilliant at baking! But after she gave up her cutie mark to Starlight Glimmer, her baking tasted worse than cardboard. Fortunately, after she helped the Mane Six reclaim their cutie marks from Starlight, Sugar Belle got back hers and now she’s back to baking her delicious treats again. She is the apple of Big McIntosh’s eye. With help from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, he won Sugar Belle’s heart and she became his girlfriend! Then, she and Big Mac proposed to each other… at the same time! They both said Eeyup!"

There's the apple cupcake of Big Mac's eye — Sugar Belle. I must admit I'm quite surprised that one of the citizens of Starlight Glimmer's Town would end up being a love interest for him. Then, I really became surprised how she became his wife. I also confess that a part of me wishes that he would be paired up with Marble Pie since they share a lot in common. But I guess love has other ideas. In the end, I'm glad that he found true love at last. Sugar Belle's a great mare for him. Rebecca Shoichet did a very interesting job voicing her. It was like she wanted Sugar Belle's voice to be either like Jennifer Tilly or Leslie Mann. It makes her sound so delicate, gentle and sweet.

Like Grand Pear, I made Sugar Belle's vector for Dracorider19's birthday this year. I chose this pose not to reflect her sweet nature, but also to reflect the pose of the Big Mac vector I used for his bio. When making this, it was moderate when it came to difficulty. The background theme was obvious, but finding the perfect one wasn't easy. The magic texture is befitting considering that she's a Unicorn.

As for the description, I couldn't find really good references. I'll change it if, and this is a big IF, we get the third volume to The Elements of Harmony guidebook, which details everyone in seasons 7, the movie, season 8, Best Gift Ever, the first half of season 9, Rainbow Roadtrip, and the final half of season 9. Hopefully, if it is ever published next year (especially since there will be two more Friendship is Magic books, plus two more of the new Pony Life, to be published soon), there will be a better description for Sugar Belle in the guide, and then I'll update this.


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