17th Dec 2020, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2
It was hard not to do the full Kuzco's Poison bit essentially verbatim here.
And it's a petty revisionist thing, but I figured the least I could do is give Celestia a bit of a reason to knowingly take the fall in this scene.
Only to have the players immediately squander it, but y'know.
Princess Celestia: You foalnapped my niece *and* my student… and you threaten the whole nation I hold dear, that I am responsible for. I won't hold back just because you've so boldly yet foolishly revealed yourself. *GUARDS, HELP ME SEIZE THE CHANGELING QUEEN!*
Queen Chrysalis: …Guards, you say? And which guards would those be? The guards you ordered to take position in the rafters above when you caught wind of my plans? *These* guards?
DM: You hear chuckling and chittering from the top of the wedding hall. You look up and see a few changelings grinning down at you as they crawl out from the shadows. In fact, you can't see any royal guards in or near the wedding hall at all. It's just you and the guests.
Rainbow Dash: Well, she did one thing right. She brought an infiltration squad with her.
Applejack: Just *once* Ah'd like to be on the side whose security isn't immediately compromised…
Rarity: But then how could a poor thief like me thrive?
Twilight Sparkle: Sooo… roll Initiative?
DM: When Celestia sees you preparing to enter the fray, she yells:
Princess Celestia: *WAIT!* I'll hold them off here. You go retrieve the Elements of Harmony! They're out best hope for routing this invasion! Make haste! The barrier won't hold much longer!
Fluttershy: I'm in favor of getting out of here. Quickly.
Pinkie Pie: But what if we all jumped the Queen and took her hostage?
Rainbow Dash: Could do both. Have a Queen team and an Elements team.
Applejack: Sure, let's split the party seconds before a full-scale invasion.
Twilight Sparkle: I don't think these enemies are the type to parley, anyway.
DM: Are you all arguing about this in-character right now?!
Rarity: I'm not.