
Time to introduce y'all to a new ship of mine: StarSentry!

Meet Blue Moon, the oldest son of Flash Sentry and Star Tracker! He seems to get his looks and natural charm from his father Flash, but in reality, Moony is a huge nerd who doesn't always catch on to the social cues of others (especially when it comes from lovestruck mares or stallions). Blue Moon started out as a member of the Royal Guard, like Flash Sentry, but didn't find it as fulfilling as his father did. Instead, Moony now trains to be a member of Luna's court (or Prince Cassiopeia, after his coronation to succeed his mother's throne). He is a studious scribe, transferring worn-out or damaged documents to keep records and tomes as well-maintained as possible. Moony hopes to move up, in time, and desperately wants to be a member of Luna/Cassiopeia's counsel to help with greater changes in Equestria.

I might have just come up with this ship a few months ago but I'm obsesseddddd


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