This is my design for Tempest in a reformed form. Her armour represents her change from the storm king's army of oppression and fear to fighting for the safety and happiness of all pony kind.
I've started reading the Season 10 comics finally and it bothers me she's wearing her storm king armour still. Logo and all.
I get the idea of carrying the weight of your mistakes with you, but she wouldn't want to go around in an outfit that makes everypony scared, reminds them of a terrifying time where they almost lost everything, reminds them of what she did to almost help that happen, and reminds her of her past mistakes and pain.
Now, she can move on and feel like she's found others to support and be supported by.
These colours suit her better I thin. Fighting for something better for a change ;3
She also needed a reformed mane haha. I wanted there to be some twilight-reminiscent aspects in there.
And a note on the horn artefact, I don't think she needs to be "fixed" to be accepted. But if this magical prosthetic can help steady her magic and be a convenience for her in her day-to-day life then it's her choice if she wants to use it. And I imagine for her it's just a symbol that she's "not broken anymore", but she wasn't broken on her horn, she was broken on the inside X3
And now she sees the light of friendship.
Unicorn powers and pretty much got all the strength and power of an Earth Pony AND badass martial-arts & a kickass set of armor?
Villains beware.
Less effects and no horn glow version for anyone who wants to colourpick
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