22nd Dec 2020, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2
Don't you hate it when your frenetic remix of an existing story creates additional plotholes?
I ran my first session (well, zeroth session) of Vampire: the Masquerade this week! Figuring out the kind of game we're going to play and helping everyone create characters turned out to be a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to the beginning in two weeks.
Spudventures — The Blood Virulent, Session 0 — Small Town Drama: Podcast | Video
DM: You all sprint out of the wedding hall and towards the tower where the Elements of Harmony are stored.
Twilight Sparkle: Wait, hold on – the same tower as before? The tower that Discord blatantly stole the Elements from a short while ago? We went on a whole adventure to get them back and recharged. Why would we ever let them out of our sight after that?
DM: Well… uh… You have Discord under control for now, and they beefed up the security at the tower a bit… Look, they can't just be "in your inventoy" while you're attending a wedding.
Applejack: A'ight, but maybe they're among our personal effects?
DM: What, kept in your bags in your rooms? Yeah, that sounds much more secure.
Pinkie Pie: Maybe we had them the whole time and this is all a big diversion?
DM: From what?! They're about to be everywhere!