Page 1474 — Give Me a Break
26th Dec 2020, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2
Happy Holidays, everyone!
My gift to myself is a nice, easy page.
DM: The attacks on the barrier cease for a moment as the changelings outside, sensing weakness, all pause to coordinate one united strike. The all crash into the barrier as one. Sparks fly, magic crackles. And then…
DM: This massive pinkish-purple bubble of protection shatters like glass from the top, crumbling downward, shards of the barrier tumbling through the air before fading away. The mountain itself shakes beneath your hooves as the sheer power being released moves the earth. For the briefest of moments, it's almost nice to see the clear blue sky again, after spending so long seeing this gridded wall of violet. But there's no ignoring the hundreds of buzzing black dots hovering in the sky, and you can almost see every single one of their triumphant, evil grins.
Applejack: Been waitin' a while on this description, haven't ya?
DM: Look, you know me. I like to paint a picture with words.
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