I decided to commission KerosineCannibal to do this pic that features a lot of the characters that I came across from the many stories that I enjoyed from the Fluffy pony fandom. They are a mix of weirdbox, sadbox, neutralbox and, of course, hugbox.
List of all the characters in the picture:
Fluffus's Snowy (old fluffy with book on Santa)
Carpdime 's Avocado (with three christmas ribbon ornament)
There are a number of artists who I wasn't able to research or feature in this pic yet, but I hope to pay tribute to them in some other way in future. This commission is dedicated to the fluffy pony fandom, and to the many creators that have inspired many people, myself included, over the past years.
From all of us at the FluffyCommunity site and subreddit, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone, especially here on Derpibooru!
EDIT: Since some of the pics referenced ehre are also on derpibooru, I will also be working on this description to include derpibooru hotlinks.