
ok here is this Princess of the crystal empire!!

So before she was a princess she was a simple Pegasus who lived in the Crystal Empire. Her mother was a crystal pony while her father was a Pegasus. Cadence was bullied in her school due to her having wings and not being 100% crystal pony. Even though she was mentally and physically bullied, she still showed love and compassion. She filled in her free time with foal sitting and being a guidance for fellow ponies.
One blizzard day in the crystal empire, the heart was stolen into the clouds. As the crystal ponies panicked, the guards not being able to do anything, the empire was under fear and panic for the heart. Cadence stared into the sky looking for the heart as she was being pushed by her mother to find safety. When she spotted the heart, leaped into action and flew after the it. She knew the chance of the blizzard freezing her to death, but if it meant that she could save hundreds of innocent ponies it was worth it.
As Cadence's mother fought against the guards wanting to helplessly rush after her baby a loud bang was heard across the empire. Everyone stood still and at looked to the sky. Beams pierced though the sky as a blue glow forming a ball-like shape inside the clouds.. Cadence's mother screamed out her name "CADEN-" she was cut off with a explosion of crystal blue evaporating the clouds away from the empire. her mother dropped to the ground out of disbelief that she lost her baby girl.
A heart formed into the clear blue sky, slowly heading towards the castle. Everyone ran towards hoping the heart would return. When they arrived, they saw the heart and thrilled to see it. But something else caught their eyes. A pony with wings and a horn made of crystal. Was it? Cadence? After the heroic save of the heart, it had given part of it's magic to her in the shape of a unicorn horn. This was never seen before. As cadence was about to speak, her mother ran straight towards her and cried. As they where in a embrace, her mother hit her across the head as she nearly gave her a heart attack.

So ye, now after all of that; Cadence was dubbed the princess of the crystal empire as it was being ruled by two crystal ponies who where the king and queen.

Anyways, hope yall like her.
The flowers are optional XD


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