Y creo que esto será todo por este (problemático) añoy por mi parte, me tomaré con (relativa) calma los días que le quedan a este 2020… lamento que, en Nashville apenas puedan decir algo parecido.
Espero que todxs hayan pasado, dentro de lo posible, una Feliz Navidad. Y de corazón espero que el Año Nuevo sea mejor (Celestia, te lo ruego, ¡¡¡HAZ QUE LO SEA!!!).
The truth, knowing that he was retiring after 30 years touched me deeply: it is the Old School of the WWF, from when the wrestlers looked more like comic characters (now, not so much anymore). And yes, it took me a while to bring it here, I apologize to everyone and "everypony", a lot to do at home.
And I think this will be all for this (troublesome) year and for my part, I will take with (relative) calm the days that remain in 2020 … I regret that, in Nashville they can hardly say something similar.
I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas as much as possible. And I sincerely hope the New Year is better (Celestia, I beg you, MAKE IT BE IT !!!).