Here's Ed, that goofy, monobrowed, chicken-loving, b-movie-watching, buttered toast and graving eating muscles of the Eds. Ed sprite (non-animated) Ed Avatar/Emoticon Ed icon animated Ed Emote 2 ''MOVIE GOOD FOR ED.'' Ed Emote 1 Ed Emote 3 EyeBrowMove (Ed Edd and Eddy) Ed creepy Ed Being Random W.T.F. Icon
I actually started working on this in early 2017, back when I was trying to master the pen tool. I based his design on both Snips and Snails, but I wasn't too pleased with the result. So I gave up on him, until recently. Thanks to Hasbro introducing us to middle school aged colts, like Star Tracker, Pistachio and Sandbar, I found the right body and legs for our Ed Pony Boy. Nod Since he's the workhorse of the Eds, I thought an Earth Pony would be a perfect pony type for him. (Originally, I made him a Pegasus, but I thought it over, and after I got an idea for another Ed, I decided to switch their types. ;))
As you can see, I haven't given him a cutie mark. The reason is because I don't have an idea, and I'm not really good with cutie marks. I do have an idea what Ed's cutie mark is. It's one of his sci-fi toys carrying a slice of buttered toast in one hand and a gravy boat in the other. If you guys have other ideas and/or you can make cutie marks for me, let me know. :) (Smile)
There's more to come. :D (Big Grin)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro
Ed, Edd n Eddy created by Danny Antonucci and owned by Cartoon Network