Meet Ed, Edd n Eddy… in My Little Pony! :D (Big Grin)
It's just like the opening to my old favorite. I miss that legendary cartoon. Crying But at least, our love, memories, and the internet have kept them alive, and it's still going on in our art. :D (Big Grin) Heart I'm really happy that the Eds finally got the respect they always wanted and I believed they deserved. Nod
I originally planned on submitting this sometime after I submitted the vectors of the Eds separately, but I wanted to make a change. For instance, I wanted to change their expressions. Ed and Eddy's have definitely changed: their trademark grins! What to do you guys think? If you want me to give them their original expressions, I'll do it.
I hope you guys love this, and I hope some of you are still Ed fans forever, like me. :) (Smile) Heart