"Hey, as long as she's payin', she can have as much as she wants!" Applejack said as she gave Sunset a friendly elbow. "You are payin' for all this, right?"
"Don't worry, Twilight's got it covered," the large pony chuckled.
As Rarity circled around Sunset, trying to determine how to even find something to fit a mare this size, she carried on with their conversation. "Now, what were you saying about me and Applejack from your world? We're a couple?"
"Yeah, pretty much. We must've spent like the last two years trying to guess when they'll actually confess to each other and finally get together. And then, it finally happened!"
"Well, that's all fine and dandy in your world," Applejack jokingly scoffed as she looked through her apple pile, looking for the perfect to eat. "But here, that ain't gonna happen. Oh, no offense, Rare."
"None taken." Rarity suddenly leaned in close to Sunset and whispered, "Besides, I'm pretty sure she has a thing for Rainbow Dash."
Applejack looked up. "You say somethin'?"
"Oh, it was nothing, darling!" Rarity giggled back.