
Some more updated designs/headcanons! This time, for the Cake Twins Pound and Pumpkin.

Here they are in their 20s, helping their parents out in Sugarcube Corner.

Pumpkin Cake is a town-famous baker, helping her parents bake in the kitchen. Her specialties lie in cake and cookie decoration. She grew up to be a bean pole thanks to her dad. Is pen-pals with Flurry Heart.

Pound Cake is the delivery boy, as he has a knack for staying balanced on his hooves. He also inherited some Earth Pony Strength from his parents, which comes in handy with the heavier orders. He's also the second shortest in the family, after his mom.

Both kids help out with the register and the upkeep of the bakery, and are still very close with their Aunt Pinkie.


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