
Name: Health Care

Species: Earth pony

Age: A year younger than Pinkie Pie

Place of Birth: Baltimore

Gender: Male

Job: Male Nurse


Health Care is one of the finest nurse in Baltimore. But when he was a little colt, he dreamed to be a famous Hoofball player in all of Equestria. Sadly, because of a firework accident , he lost one of his back legs , crushing his dreams. He become depressed because of this. His families and friends try to cheer him up. After a year has passed, he got over his depression and decided to become a nurse. Everypony was confused by his decision but after he explained why, Theyve supported him. He earned his cutie mark when one of his friends got sick and Health look after her until she was better.

Firework accident:

It was 4th of July, and Health was ask to get rid of the box full of unused fireworks because i t was to unstable. When the show about to start, The fireworks was lanched in to the sky. Health was still carrying the box. He put the box down to admired the view, but one of the launched firework got out of course and hit the box, exploding the content.

Reason to become a nurse:

Health wanted to become a nurse because when he was depressed he wanted to be like the nurse that took care of him when he was in hospital.


A caring and soft pony. He doesnt like arguing and try to avoid any conflict. He is also easily offended and a crybaby. He is also talkative and childish.


Drawing, helping others, sports


Dark places, being alone, cats and paperwork


-He replaces his damaged leg with one that made out of wood because he couldnt afford a better one.

-While hes good at his job, a lot of the patients that he look after usually complaint to the administration that he never shut up. This also causes him to cry.

-While he cant play hoofball anymore, he still dreamed being a famous hoofball player.


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