
Fullname: Mellow Flight

Common Name: Mino

Parents: Rainbow Dash and Soarin

Siblings: Cosmic Rush (brother)

Info: Mino is a very anxious and shy colt that enjoys a calm stroll rather than flying. His brother, Cosmic Rush, is the exact opposite of him, loud and loves to fly. Ever since he was a filly, Mino never liked flying since he had a fear of heights but his mother always wishes he`ll get over it. His best friends are Chitter and Emerald and the three often are found enjoying a cup of tea. Emerald loves using Mino as his model since he has the build of a mare and has the loveliest hair! Mino hates showing his entire face because of a large scar that runs over the right side of his face. It was from an accident that involved Chitter when they were younger. Though Mino has long forgiven his friend but seeing it hurts Chitter and so Mino covers it.


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