
Twilight thought that she was a good influence on Sunset. Her grades were up, her delinquency was down, and everyone was happier.
The truth of it was that Sunset was a bad influence on Twilight. Under the guise of loosening her up, getting out and enjoying life, and all that stuff, Sunset had started doing some strange things.
Their friends were a close knit circle, and were very forgiving of Sunset's peculiarities, even if someone still started the occasional argument over Sunset's health food kick. The oats were normal enough, but a 4 sided argument over Sunset eating actual grass still happened sometimes.
This time, Sunset had dragged Twilight out after school to a place between the row housing and the minimal. The ground had been torn up by construction machines for some reason. There were several piles of loose, wet, dirt heaped almost to Sunset's head. Tire tracks everywhere. Several pits with thick metal sides dropped into them. And everything was mud. The workers were gone. Even the construction vehicles were gone. Twilight guessed that they were waiting for the ground to dry out. The entire area was blocked from sight by various trees, walls, and fences so it likely wasn't a priority.
Sunset wanted to take her there anyway. Very little exploration found that one of the pits had been filled in, likely leaving a several feet deep mud bath. There was a shallow ditch with mud that swallowed Sunset's legs almost to her knees.
"So you brought me here to get my shoes dirty?"
"Of course I brought you. Didn't you say that it's not safe to go swimming alone?"
"That was Dash."
"Oh, fine, I'll invite her next time. C'mon in. That one looks shallow. You can just sit in that one."
"What am I supposed to do?"
"I can't believe you asked that. I could give you math written in letters and you'd build a rocket or something, but a mud puddle? You've got no idea what to do with it?"
"So I just sit here and get dirty?"
"That and maybe we can watch the sun go down?" Sunset said warmly.
Twilight hung her head and accepted that she wasn't going to go home any time soon. Again.
She took out her cell phone. Another call letting someone know that she was going to be spending the night at Sunset's.


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