
"recap for those who haven't seen them yet:
what we have here is

raspberry red, who makes delicious lemonade and loves juicy rumours. she has a little caf/bakery at the edge of town together with

blackberry bun, who is renowned for her sweet bread that's made with, you guessed it, blackberries. she also has a birthmark around her right eye which she's very self-conscious about, as it startles most ponies when they first meet her. one who doesn't mind and who she eventually gets together with is

brushpen bristle, who's your typical grumpy, but good-hearted artist recluse. he's got a little flat above the caf/bakery. he's very honest, sometimes brutally so, but usually has to take his mind of his art first. most days he can be found by a trail of torn out sketchbook pages.

Well, that's who they were back then, whereas now, Red seems to have vanished, Blackberry was rewritten as Velvet's mother, and Brushpen is basically pony Carnifex these days.


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