Twilight: itching her wing against the edge of a bookshelf …huh what? Oh I'm doing nothing! I'm fine, everything's fine, I’m doing totally great! Love being a princess!
Rainbow: your wings look awful
Twilight: Rainbow! That is so rude scowls
Rainbow: no that’s not what I mean, egghead, I mean…I..sigh Do you want some help?
Twilight: with what?
Rainbow: your wings
Twilight: what about them?
Rainbow: ugh, come here grabs one of twilights wings
Twilight: *blushing*Rainbow what are you- oh… oh damn that feels…amazing
Rainbow: through feathers seriously, has no one talked to you about preening?
Twilight: I guess not, is that why they’re so- oh yeah right there- uncomfy?
Rainbow: pffhaha yeah, honestly Twilight for someone so smart I’m surprised you couldn’t figure out how to preen yourself.
Twilight: yeah, thanks for helping me out quietly I’m lucky that you’re my first turns red my first preening partner I mean- not that we’re partners or anything, just good friends doing good friend things haha.. like friends do
Rainbow: amused sure thing, Egghead
When Twilight first got her wings she had no clue how to maintain them and after about a week of looking really uncomfortable and disheveled, Rainbow Dash stepped in to help her out. Preening is really important to wing maintenance and without it feather become displaced and uncomfortable, also making it difficult to fly. Preening is often a sign of affection between family members, friends, and especially mates. It's a pretty intimate experience hence why Twilight is all flustered…especially because her biggest crush is the one preening her;)
I'm kinda experimenting with a couple of different ships and I always loved Twilight and Rainbow's interactions. I don't know if I could see them working out as a long term couple but boy do they have sexual tension. I lowkey adore this ship so much so I'll probably draw more of it in the future. I'm also experimenting with redesigns of the main six and you can kinda see that here. I'm also also trying dialogue in a script style that I've seen on here.